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首页 / 娱乐资讯 儿童真人秀节目的弊端(中英互译)? 弊端1.人身安全录制节目时,不少亲子真人秀在户外进行,星二代萌娃要接受层层考验。小小年纪便要吃苦耐劳,很不容易,偶尔也有意外发生,使孩子受伤,比如吴镇宇儿子费曼受伤。另外,星二代萌娃知名度暴涨,被越来越多人熟知,不得不时刻提防狗仔队,甚至绑匪。2.过早曝光幼小的星二代萌娃们过早曝光在聚光灯下,不得不承受社会舆论的压力。孩子他们心智尚不成熟,童年原本应该无忧烂漫,但被暴露在大众面前,无论是优点、缺点通通都被放大,言行、衣着稍有不当可能就要受到很多人质疑。过早面对这些巨大的压力,无疑会对孩子们的成长造成极大影响。3.被迫表演真人秀,有真也有秀,有时候很可能为了节目效果,萌娃被迫表演,而且没得选必须服从。孩子们虽然年龄小,但有自己的思维逻辑,大人用自己的标准去评判、逼迫孩子显然太过强势,不利于孩子的心理健康成长,影响其价值观的形成。译文:disadvantages1. The security of personReality when recorded shows, many parents in the outdoor, celebriots of Eva to accept test. At an early age to bear hardships and stand hard work, very not easy, occasionally also has an accident, make the child injuries, such as cheng yixun son feynman injured. In addition, celebriots of Eva popularity soared, was more and more people are familiar with, had to watch out for the paparazzi, and even the kidnappers.2. Too soonThe young celebriots of Eva early exposure in the spotlight, had to bear the brunt of the public opinion. Boy they mind is not yet mature, originally should be easy grace, but were exposed to the public, both advantages and disadvantages all be amplified, slightly improper words and deeds, clothes may be questioned by many people. Early to face the great pressure, will no doubt made a great impact on children's growth.3. Forced to showReality, there is also have show, sometimes very likely to show the effect of Eva was forced to show, but had no choice must obey. Although younger kids, but has its own logic thinking, adults with their own standard to judge, forcing children is too strong, apparently not conducive to children's mental health growth, influence the formation of its values.





